



Versione Italiana

What P.O.N. is

The Operative National program “The school for development” is an integrated program of intervention co-financed by the European social found  and by the European found for regional development".

It’s an instrument for the support of the development and the innovation of the school system, for the improvement of working possibilities of young people and adults based on strategies and interventions that connect the national politics of instruction system development and European strategies for the growth of the human resources in European Union..  

The general aims are:

 ·        to increase the quality and the effect of the instruction and formation systems in E.U.

·        To facilitate the access of everyone to the instruction and formation systems

·        To open to the external world the instruction and formation systems.

 The  3.2 measure is a specific action, adopted in our school that has the aim to oppose the school abandoning by adolescents and young people that seem not interested in school subjects and in school formation system, by realising two projects:

·        Protection, development and projects about environment, with the aim of making pupils sensible to the environment and to give them useful competence in working fields, by the means of laboratory activities of environmental operations and creation of a specific web site for the environment and its problems. Duration of the project: 150 hours.

·        “Books, words and keyboards” with the aim of favouring the knowledge of themselves and the interpersonal communication of personal worlds, sensitive, affective and imaginative, by laboratory activities of reading, writing, critics, redaction and publishing of pupils creative texts. Duration: 150 hours in 2003\2004, 150 hours in 2004\2005.

In these projects there are specific activities of qualification, orientation and sustain that increase the formative school offer and integrate the school curricula core with the help of external experts using operative methodologies and co-operative didactic strategies.

Also the foreign pupils that study in our school participate in these projects, in this way they have further possibilities of integration in the school and in the territory because the environment is a common patrimony and the creative writing is a way to express themselves and to communicate. This is also a way to use more and to learn Italian better.